Vendors: select Shipping Method via checkboxes

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Vendors: select Shipping Method via checkboxes

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    • #84092

      Hello, I wish to give vendors the easiest way possible to select local pickup shipping method, without having to use the “shipping by zone”-settings. This is the functionality I’m looking for (see attached image as a reference):

      – The default setting is delivery. This setting cant be unselected.
      – Aside from the default shipping method, vendors can choose to offer local pickup. They can set this via checkbox in their “Shipping” settings.
      – If at least one product vendor doesnt offer local pickup, the buyer cant choose local pickup in the checkout.

      What would be the best way to achieve this? Any help is much appreciated!

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #84419
      WCFM Forum


      If at least one product vendor doesnt offer local pickup, the buyer cant choose local pickup in the checkout.

      – Well, then your site will have only shipping option “Local Pickup”, right?

      And no cost for this!

      Thank You

    • #84502


      – Well, then your site will have only shipping option “Local Pickup”, right?

      Not quite. The default is always “free shipping”-method. Vendors should be able to offer local pickup by activating a simple checkbox in the store manager, as shown in the attachment. How can I add a checkbox like that?

      The conditions in the checkout I need are:
      – if a customer selects products of a “local pickup”-enabled vendor, this option should be selectable in the checkout.
      – if there are multiple vendors, or a single one who doesnt offer free shipping, then the only available method is “free shipping”.

      Thanks for your help!

    • #84964
      WCFM Forum


      You may setup all these, please check this –

      Thank You

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