Verification Document not showing for Approval

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Verification Document not showing for Approval

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  • Author
    • #22684

      Hi After updating the WCFM – Ultimate add-on, I tried to upload document (.jpg) from Vedor section for verification, When I check the Verification Message from Admin panel and click on “view” – Popup opens but it doesn’t show the document attached to it. Is there any setting to view the attachement so that verification can be done and we can see the attachment properly? See the attached image.


    • #22701
      WCFM Forum


      That’s really strange.

      Can you please show me vendor verification tabs screenshot as well!

      And please just “Save” WCfM Admin settings once.

      Thank You

    • #23034
      WCFM Forum

      This has been resolved in 4.0.8

      Thank you

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