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Sarmistha Chakraborty
Those are widget areas. You will find widgets in the left side (Appearance->widgets)
Sarmistha Chakraborty
The javascript error you have posted #137349 reply, after deactivating others plugin still you have the same error?
You can provide us the site access with URL, then we can check the issue in your site.(Set as private reply)Thanks.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
To hide “Store URL Base” from WCFM dashboard is possible using some css. But in our plugin is not allowed to store URL “” in this way.
June 3, 2020 at 1:26 pm in reply to: Add Placeholder text into tinymce open text fields: Poicies & Product Desc #137946Sarmistha Chakraborty
In TinyMCE editor(like “Product description”) is not possible to add placeholder like textbox field(example “Product title”).
You can add default text in the TinyMCE editor. In that case user/vendor have to delete the “default text” and add his text in the tinymce editor.Thanks.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
add_filter('wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_general', 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_general_custom1804', 50, 2 ); function wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_general_custom1804($general_fields,$vendor_id) { unset($general_fields['banner_type']); unset($general_fields['banner']); unset($general_fields['banner_video']); unset($general_fields['banner_slider']); unset($general_fields['mobile_banner']); unset($general_fields['list_banner_type']); unset($general_fields['list_banner']); unset($general_fields['list_banner_video']); return $general_fields; }
Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin –
June 3, 2020 at 12:35 pm in reply to: Font color white on white background in the police fields #137941Sarmistha Chakraborty
May this is happening due to the theme.
Try this css in your theme’s style.css –body#tinymce { color: #333; }
June 3, 2020 at 12:28 pm in reply to: How to assign existing products to new vendors in bulk? #137938Sarmistha Chakraborty
1. Assign store to Multiple product
>> Please edit as “Bulk Edit” and assign store as per your requirement. (PFA)I don’t want to show vendor’s email and phone no in front end, how can i do that?
>> Turn off “Hide Email from Store”,”Hide Phone from Store” from vendor settings(PFA)Thanks.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Sarmistha Chakraborty
We have add this “Shipping By Distance” feature in our latest update, in case you do not need it, you can turn off this module.
And turn off the “Checkout User Location”.Thank You
You must be logged in to view attached files.Sarmistha Chakraborty
Where you want to display the vendor’s phone number in the checkout page?
Please be advised in one order can have multiple vendor’s products.Thanks.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
We don’t this feature as of now, and not yet decided to add this feature to the next update.
When we introduce this feature in our future update we will let you know.Thanks.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Use this shortcode –
[wcfm_stores theme="simple"]
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Let me clear your queries –
To change the default sorting option, please use “orderby” attribute –
[wcfm_stores orderby="alphabetical_desc"]
But add custom sorting option, not yet decided about sort by “higher selling vendors”.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
We have already replied to you in this thread –
So, we are closing this thread for the same requirement.I want to do several improvements and I need a custom budget. Can you tell how can i contact you for that?
>>Please contact us here for the purpose –
Sarmistha Chakraborty
You have to turn-on the “Single Product Multi-Vendor” module from WCFM dashboard -> Settings ->Modules -> “Single Product Multi-Vendor”
For more information –
Sarmistha Chakraborty
What we understand that you want to change the labels “Add product”,”Product title” etc.
For this please use “Loco translate” plugin.
Go to WordPress admin dashboard -> Loco Translate -> Plugins -> select “WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager” -> select your site language (or create “New Language”) -> Search the string(like “Add Product”) -> change the text as per your requirement -> save
Sarmistha Chakraborty
add_filter('wcfm_shop_permalink_open_by',function($target){ return ''; },10);
Try this code to your child theme’s functions.php
In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin –
Sarmistha Chakraborty
MemberWe have already replied to you in this thread. So, we are closing this topic here.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
You can add “Custom Field” for vendor/store from WCFM dashboard -> Settings -> Vendor Registration (PFA)
vendors are allowed to edit additional information from their profile page. (
You must be logged in to view attached files.Sarmistha Chakraborty
May this is happening due to some plugin conflict. Kindly disable all other plugins except WooCommerce and WCFM plugins(updated version). Then check once again.
Let us know how it goes.
Please be advised to check the attributes options are turn-on or not. (PFA)Thanks!
You must be logged in to view attached files.Sarmistha Chakraborty
MemberThis reply has been marked as private.Sarmistha Chakraborty
MemberThis reply has been marked as private.Sarmistha Chakraborty
WooCommerce Login/Register goes to [wcfm_vendor_registration]
>>You must be aware our WCFM plugin has not any customization in WooCommerece registration form. So, Vendor registration via WooCommerce registration form is not possible using code snippet.
It requires serious custom development, and this will be a paid one.
Please be advised then normal-user/customer not able to register in your site. All users will be vendors.the settings should be the WooCommerce default?
Sarmistha Chakraborty
You can try this css –
@media only screen and (max-width: 544px) { /*************** ADD MOBILE ONLY CSS HERE ***************/ .ast-transparent-header.ast-primary-sticky-header-active .main-header-bar-wrap .main-header-bar, .ast-primary-sticky-header-active .main-header-bar-wrap .main-header-bar, .ast-primary-sticky-header-active.ast-header-break-point .main-header-bar-wrap .main-header-bar { background: #fff !important; } }
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Try this css in your theme’s style.css –
@media only screen and (max-width: 599px) { /*************** ADD MOBILE ONLY CSS HERE ***************/ .wp-block-column { flex-basis: calc(50% - 10px)!important; flex-grow: 0 !important; }
Sarmistha Chakraborty
1) categories filter field in store list page is too big (full width), how can I reduce its size? (image attached)
>> Try this css on your theme’s style.css –.wcfmmp-store-search-form .select2-container { width: 23% !important; }
2) if I activate STORE categories filter then PRODUCT categories filter disapper from the Store List Page, but I need both, how can I fix this? (image attached)
>> Yes, Using addon “Store category” plugin we have disabled the “Product category” filter. The two category filter does not work togetherly.Regarding the rest of the points– Those are customization works. This is not possible using code snippet. And previously we mentioned any customization work on this is chargeable. You can find all “Store category” data in this table –
$store_categories = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wcfm_store_categories" );
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