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WooCommerce Frontend Manager - Multivendor marketplace vendor dashboard

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  • in reply to: WCFM Affiliate has just released! #79719

    Not clear on whether vendors have the capability of having their own affiliates with the affiliate addon… Yes? No?

    in reply to: WCFM Affiliate has just released! #79002

    Mine as well, I pay my affiliates recurring commissions on vendor memberships – need this to be part of the affiliate add on!

    Thanks so much!


    Yes, that is correct @mitchellgould, I have the not available options selected and then you have to put the restricted days as the day you DO want to operate (that’s what threw me) 😀


    @mitchellgould, I also tested various marketplaces including Dokan, and for me it turned out that WCFM had the best features for the best money – always a work in progress though!

    OK, after much testing, I finally figured this out. It has to do with the wording for availability. It says restricted days, so I assumed (incorrectly) that meant the days you don’t want to book, when in fact, it is the opposite. To restrict days, you actually have to enter the days you do want to book!

    Hope that helps the next person who runs into the same problem! 🙂


    Thank you for your response @mitchellgould, I did look at your working demo, and it does appear to work fine – just one thing though, Are you using the Woocommerce Bookings plugin, because it does not quite look the same as mine?

    Also @forum_wclovers I have noticed in the past that if someone responds to a post, you do not respond in most cases. My bookings plugin still does not work, I can not click on available dates or the book now button. Please advise! (also, my plugins are all up to date)

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Updating Plugin WCFM Failed #69333

    I am getting the exact same error. I can’t update the latest version of Ultimate

    “An error occurred while updating WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Ultimate: Download failed. cURL error 18: transfer closed with 7703481 bytes remaining to read”

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Testing stripe payments and stripe connect #63059

    So here is the KEY point: I cannot connect test vendors – and I cannot proceed until I can…

    in reply to: Testing stripe payments and stripe connect #63050

    Point 3 – because so far point 2 keeps getting blocked – as i have already explained above – skipping the form does connect the vendor, however the vendor is then restricted because the required form info is missing – therefore you cannot do any testing – which of course is the whole point

    in reply to: Testing stripe payments and stripe connect #63049

    breaking up the post to see if that will get through. Able to get point 1. no luck with point 2. But i’ll keep trying – just stubborn that way

    in reply to: Testing stripe payments and stripe connect #63047

    Point 1) I have looked over that documentation several times – please note that the URI that you have in the documentation is incorrect.

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    in reply to: Testing stripe payments and stripe connect #63046

    Yup, just tried again to put my reply and i get an error “your reply cannot be created at this time” But I can type anything else as you can see – which of course does not make sense. I guess I’ll just keep on doing this until you unblock me

    in reply to: Testing stripe payments and stripe connect #63045

    I can put a few words and post to forum – i try to put my reply – and my post is blocked (which is what i really think is happening) – do you care to explain?

    in reply to: Testing stripe payments and stripe connect #63041

    Testing… sigh… 🙁

    in reply to: Store Refund Settings #62716

    Question @sdel_nevo, when you connected your test vendors, did you just click “skip this form” link or do you fill out the app?

    in reply to: Store Refund Settings #62696

    @sdel_nevo I have spoken to them many times now and what I am getting is that my plugin is not communicating with stripe and it is on the plugin side… I have another call into them

    at this point in time i need a response from @forum_wclovers

    in reply to: Store Refund Settings #62691

    Also Steve, Yes that is exactly right. My merchants all have their own stores and it is a marketplace

    in reply to: Store Refund Settings #62690

    @sdel_nevo thank you for your response as you’ll notice I’m getting NONE from WCFM 😀

    WCFM – The main problem I am having is that I cannot connect vendor accounts. For about 5 seconds I received the error that Steve was previously getting: {
    “error”: “invalid_redirect_uri”,
    “error_description”: “Invalid redirect URI ‘https://mydomain/store-manager/settings/’. Ensure this uri exactly matches one of the uris specified in your application settings”,
    “state”: “14”
    Now I don’t get that error: I tried resetting my api’s and using the URI that steve said worked for him. but it does not work for me. so in my URI I have the uri that you recommend. I also tried to add it as a webhook and and get a 303 Response None error.

    So what is happening now when I try to connect a vendor is like I said before in another post somewhere that you haven’t resonsed to either… I press the Stripe connect button, I’m taken to the application page and I get an error that i cannot use known stripe test bank account numbers in live mode. And i am very definitely in test mode with test api keys..

    So I NEED HELP ASAP!!!!! 😀 😀

    Thank you!!!!!

    in reply to: Store Refund Settings #62536

    This is what is happening WCFM:
    There are two platform options that you can choose from on Stripes side – direct charges platform (flow is customer – platform – connected account) or direct charges card payments (flow is customer – connected account – platform). I have chosen to go with direct charges card payments because that is how I want the funds to flow.
    See: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/capabilities-overview#card-payments

    Working with stripe and using Repl.it (please see attached) I receive an error with the following code: (again see attached for error)

    import stripe

    print(“Begin by pasting your Secret Test API key here:”)
    stripe.api_key = input()


    However when I use the following code with card payments capabilities added a connected vendor account is successfully created:

    import stripe

    print(“Begin by pasting your Secret Test API key here:”)
    stripe.api_key = input()

    email=”johnpublic@example.com”, requested_capabilities=[“card_payments”]

    We need 2 options depending on how we want the funds to flow and it appears that you may be forcing a platform flow without giving an option for a card payment flow.
    Thank you for your attention to this matter!

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    in reply to: Store Display Settings #62519

    Yes, I figured that out – it was confusing because the header icons should not include the social icons. I want the header icons to be white. I want the social icons to be a different color – those two need to be separate!

    Also, you didn’t respond to the buttons on the store banner image – inquiry, chat now and follow – there is no apparent setting to change the colors for those buttons…

    in reply to: Testing stripe payments and stripe connect #62371

    Here are some attachments that show the top of the stripe application form that the test vendor is sent to, to connect – the top of the app form says it is in development mode. the error msg on the app is shown in the attachment below. Again, i cannot connect without skipping the form which works but you cannot then use the vendor account because it becomes restricted because none of the required info has been filled out

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    in reply to: Store Refund Settings #61170

    Hey Steve – What Stripe tells me is that with “Direct Charges – Card Payments” the funds go into the connected vendor accounts less any commission I may take. It does not go through my account, so I would not handle the refunds – the vendor does. Are you processing live payments and using the exact same settings that I am going to use namely “Direct Charges” and “Card Payments” and know for certain how the flow of funds actually works?

    in reply to: Vendor Registration form problems #61117

    Weird… the attachment above is my post that it won’t let me post (been trying to post it for awhile now), I get the error msg that you see on the above attachment. but it seems i can post everything else, doesn’t make any sense…

    in reply to: Vendor Registration form problems #61115

    won’t let me post see attached…

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    in reply to: Vendor Registration form problems #61114


    in reply to: Issues on vendor registration page #60037

    I would also like for the city and state to be required on the form. I have asked this before. It would make sense as you are requiring address fields
    Thank you!

Viewing 25 posts - 1 through 25 (of 52 total)