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- June 1, 2020 at 2:13 pm in reply to: WCFM membership option is not showing in store manager dashboard #137247
Sarmistha Chakraborty
You will find the text Loco translate -> Plugins -> WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager -> select language -> search the string “admin fee” (
It will not work with the existing old order, it will work with new order details.Please for different issues create a different thread or post the issue in the respective thread.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Regarding vendor who registered does not appear in Store Vendors,
Kindly provide us your site admin access(username/password), then we can check this. (Set as private reply)Can the theme’s Login/Register be directed to [wcfm_vendor_registration]?
>>We have already replied you in this #136547 thread.What should these settings be in WooCommerce?
>>Please check the WooCommerce Settings documentation here –
Sarmistha Chakraborty
By-default it’s not possible. The “Find Location” requires for a map point. Also the “Store Address” is required for display vendor address.
Unfortunately Merging two fields is not possible using a code snippet.Thanks.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
MemberYes, Please check here for more information –
Hope your problem is resolved. Then we are closing this topic.Thanks.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
For this, it will require our premium WCFM-Ultimate plugin.
For paid plugin support will required WCFM-Ultimate plugin(
June 1, 2020 at 12:10 pm in reply to: How to deactivate the supplier data in the product list. #137197Sarmistha Chakraborty
add_action('init',function(){ global $WCFM, $WCFMmp; remove_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', array( $WCFMmp->frontend, 'wcfmmp_sold_by_product' ), 9 ); remove_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', array( $WCFMmp->frontend, 'wcfmmp_sold_by_product' ), 50 ); });
/try this code to your child theme’s functions.php
In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin –
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Sorry, unfortunately as of now we haven’t the feature display store lists with pagination in the home page. In the “Home page” pagination will not work.
What you can –
1. Add “Store Lists” slider in the “Home Page” using[wcfm_stores_carousel includes=""]
2. Create another “Store lists” page, and in “home page” pagination redirect to that “Store lists” second page. Using below code –add_filter('wcfm_store_list_pagination_args',function($pagination_args){ if ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) { $pagination_args['base'] = ''; /**create "stores" page**/ } return $pagination_args; },10);
Sarmistha Chakraborty
MemberSarmistha Chakraborty
MemberThis reply has been marked as private.Sarmistha Chakraborty
MemberThis reply has been marked as private.Sarmistha Chakraborty
Try this –
add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_policy_settings', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_setup_customer_support', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_setup_social_profile', '__return_false' );
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Try this –
add_action('init',function(){ global $WCFM, $WCFMmp; remove_action('woocommerce_order_details_after_order_table', array( $WCFMmp->wcfmmp_vendor, 'wcfmmp_vendor_details_in_order' ),20,4 ); });
But if you want to remove the policy from order, then you can add below code for this –
add_filter('wcfm_is_allow_policy_under_order_details', '__return_false');
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Can you share us page URL where you are displaying “Top rated” seller, then we can guide you accordingly.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
This is your theme issue, please contact with your theme support for this purpose.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
The “black column” comes from your theme? Is it shows on all pages or only the registration page?
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Can you provide us your site access with site URL, then we can check your vendor list page.(Set as private reply)
Before that please confirm you haven’t added any custom code in your site.Thanks.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Using this code –
add_action('wcfm_membership_registration_form',function(){ })
You can add custom field in the registration form, if you want without using WCFM dashboard->Settings->Vendor Regstration-> Custom field.
But to add validation as per your requirement in a custom field, you need to write js script as we mentioned previous reply.Thanks.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Login/Register in my header, then “Register” – it does not correctly go to this page ([wcfm_vendor_registration])
>> This is your theme’s login/register form. Yes it will not open “Vendor registration” form here. You can add “Become vendor” link in after the header register form .function custom_wcfmmp_become_vendor_link() { global $WCFM, $WCFMmp; $hide_become_vendor = wcfm_get_option( 'wcfmvm_hide_become_vendor', 'no' ); if( apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_my_account_become_vendor', true ) && ( $hide_become_vendor !== 'yes' ) && WCFMmp_Dependencies::wcfmvm_plugin_active_check() ) { if( wcfm_is_allowed_membership() && !wcfm_has_membership() && !wcfm_is_vendor() ) { echo '<div class="wcfmmp_become_vendor_link">'; $wcfm_memberships = get_wcfm_memberships(); if( apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_pref_membership', true ) && !empty( $wcfm_memberships ) && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_my_account_membership_subscribe', true ) ) { echo '<a href="' . apply_filters( 'wcfm_change_membership_url', get_wcfm_membership_url() ) . '">' . apply_filters( 'wcfm_become_vendor_label', __( 'Become a Vendor', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ) ) . '</a>'; } else { echo '<a href="' . get_wcfm_registration_page() . '">' . apply_filters( 'wcfm_become_vendor_label', __( 'Become a Vendor', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ) ) . '</a>'; } echo '</div>'; } } }
When I register a new Vendor through [wcfm_vendor_registration], their default role is “None”, not “Vendor”
>>There is no “None” role in WordPress. If you turn-on “Required Approval” functionality for vendor registration, then by-default vendor will be registered as a “subscriber” role.The latest vendor I registered through [wcfm_vendor_registration] does NOT show in WCFM Store Manager
You/admin have to approve vendor from “Notification dashboard” then it will display in “Store Vendors” in WCFM dashboard.(
Sarmistha Chakraborty
This is our WCFM plugin default feature.
Maybe it’s not working due to some plugin conflict. Kindly disable all other plugins except WooCommerce and WCFM plugins with default WordPress theme and check.
Let me know how it goes.
We assume you have already setup Map Library and Google Map API Key(if using google map) from WCFM dashboard -> Settings -> Geo Location.
and not using any custom code snippet.Thanks.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
MemberWhat is this? –
[sc name=”wcfm_vendor_registration”]
We have mentioned you the shortcode is –[wcfm_vendor_registration]
You must be logged in to view attached files.Sarmistha Chakraborty
Sorry, but due to COVID-19 we are getting 400-500 more support tickets each day. So we aren’t taking any customizations at this moment. If you can wait for couple of months then we can start your customization work.If you are interested then please contact us here –
Otherwise, It will be better to find someone who is accustom with WP development. If you face any difficulty at the time of development we will guide you accordingly.
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Please check the Capability(WCFM dashboard -> Capability) and check the capability group level also. “Min/Max Quantities” should be turn-on(PFA)
You must be logged in to view attached files.Sarmistha Chakraborty
Have you check the pages in your WordPress dashboard? Is there any page with this “[wcfm_vendor_registration]” shortcode? If not kindly create a page with this “[wcfm_vendor_registration]” shortcode and browse it. You will find the Vendor registration form.
May 29, 2020 at 12:37 pm in reply to: How to change url link of become a vendor on login page? #136449Sarmistha Chakraborty
Add this code in your theme’s functions.php, and modify the “href” of a tag as per your requirement.
add_action('init',function(){ global $WCFM, $WCFMmp; remove_action('woocommerce_register_form_end', array( $WCFMmp->frontend, 'wcfmmp_become_vendor_link' ) ); remove_action('woocommerce_after_my_account', array( $WCFMmp->frontend, 'wcfmmp_become_vendor_link' ) ); add_action( 'woocommerce_after_my_account', 'custom_wcfmmp_become_vendor_link' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_register_form_end', 'custom_wcfmmp_become_vendor_link' ); }); function custom_wcfmmp_become_vendor_link() { global $WCFM, $WCFMmp; $hide_become_vendor = wcfm_get_option( 'wcfmvm_hide_become_vendor', 'no' ); if( apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_my_account_become_vendor', true ) && ( $hide_become_vendor !== 'yes' ) && WCFMmp_Dependencies::wcfmvm_plugin_active_check() ) { if( wcfm_is_allowed_membership() && !wcfm_has_membership() && !wcfm_is_vendor() ) { echo '<div class="wcfmmp_become_vendor_link">'; $wcfm_memberships = get_wcfm_memberships(); if( apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_pref_membership', true ) && !empty( $wcfm_memberships ) && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_my_account_membership_subscribe', true ) ) { echo '<a href="' . apply_filters( 'wcfm_change_membership_url', get_wcfm_membership_url() ) . '">' . apply_filters( 'wcfm_become_vendor_label', __( 'Become a Vendor', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ) ) . '</a>'; //change href } else { echo '<a href="' . get_wcfm_registration_page() . '">' . apply_filters( 'wcfm_become_vendor_label', __( 'Become a Vendor', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' ) ) . '</a>'; //change href } echo '</div>'; } } }
Sarmistha Chakraborty
Add below script/js in your theme’s js file, and modify the validation logic-
if($("#wcfm_membership_registration_form input[name='wcfmvm_custom_infos[custom-zipcode]']").length > 0) { $( document.body ).on( 'wcfm_form_validate', function( event, validating_form ) { $form = $(validating_form); $wcfm_is_valid_form = false; var is_valid = checkStrength($("#wcfm_membership_registration_form input[name='wcfmvm_custom_infos[custom-zipcode]']").val()); if(is_valid) { $wcfm_is_valid_form = true; } else { $("#wcfm_membership_registration_form input[name='wcfmvm_custom_infos[custom-zipcode]']").attr('data-mismatch_message','Invalid Zipcode Number.'); $("#wcfm_membership_registration_form input[name='wcfmvm_custom_infos[custom-zipcode]']").removeClass('wcfm_validation_success'); $("#wcfm_membership_registration_form input[name='wcfmvm_custom_infos[custom-zipcode]']").addClass('wcfm_validation_failed'); console.log('false'); $('#wcfm_membership_container .wcfm-message:not(.email_verification_message, .sms_verification_message)').html( '<span class="wcicon-status-cancelled"></span>' + $("#wcfm_membership_registration_form input[name='wcfmvm_custom_infos[custom-zipcode]']").data('mismatch_message') ).addClass('wcfm-error').slideDown(); $wcfm_is_valid_form = false; } }); } /*modify the validation logic here*/ function checkStrength(zipcode) { if(isNaN(zipcode)){ return $wcfm_is_valid_form = false; } else { return $wcfm_is_valid_form = true; } }
replace the
#wcfm_membership_registration_form input[name='wcfmvm_custom_infos[custom-zipcode]']
with your field selector.Thanks.
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