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WC Lovers

WooCommerce Frontend Manager - Multivendor marketplace vendor dashboard

We're shifting our Forum based support to a more dedicated support system!

We'll be closing our Forum support from 10th June, 2020 and move to Email Support assistance.

  • If you are a WCFM premium add-ons user, contact us- here
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From now the forum will be read-only!

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 25 posts - 151 through 175 (of 388 total)
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  • in reply to: Redirect to my account #116277


    Are you using all updated versions of our plugin? If not please update them and do take backup of all files and database before updating anything.
    Also if you are using any cache or optimize plugin then please deactivate them and check again.


    in reply to: Store view responsive problem #116275


    We can’t access the page, it shows an error.
    Please see the screenshot of the error attached below.


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    This reply has been marked as private.


    Here is a quick video explaining what I mean: https://www.loom.com/share/57fd8e2c05854b34a428793486948bec
    Please go to store-manager->Settings->GEO Location and set your default map location in “Map Default Location” field and the check once.

    I also noticed that the locations pins are a bit off – when zoomed out, they are not in the exact location – when zoomed very close in, they are correct. Is this a known issue or did I set up something incorrectly?
    If you set your location correctly it will appear at exact pin point set. Yes when you zoom out then it may look like a cluster as the area shortens, it is default Google Map feature.


    in reply to: Action buttons not align #116262


    This is a css issue so we need to check your site.
    Please share your website login credentials with us as private reply here. We’ll get back to you.


    in reply to: Vendor WhatsApp Number #116064


    I can see that you have followed the instructions as explained, a field with “Show / Hide Whatsapp Number” will appear and if you select “yes” it will be displayed in the “Store” tab in product details page.
    Please see the attached screenshots.

    If it’s still didn’t work for you then please provide us your website login details.
    Do send your website login credentials as private reply here.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hi @nacho,

    Please try to understand, the link you have provided us is not opening, maybe you are using any security tool which doesn’t allow to browse it over here.
    You need to fix that first and make your website working, until and unless it is accessible to us how can we help you.
    We’ve also shared you the screenshot of the error in our previous reply.

    Pleas fix it and do let us know, we will definitely help you.



    What I understood that you want “This store is now closed” and “Opens at: Thursday 8:00AM” both the messages to display at store details page and also a click option on the store banner which will popup the store hours ——- right? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    As this will require customization so please contact us here for the purpose: https://wclovers.com/setup-guidance/

    Please put the “Forum Topic” field value before submission.



    https://adoptaunbar.com/baryrest/ — The respective url is not working. I’ve attached a screenshot of what I can see while browsing this url.



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    in reply to: Custom Field #115011

    You’re most welcome. 🙂

    in reply to: Shop settings redirects to /my-account/ #115010


    Do you think this can be resolved? Will it be in an update or a code snippet? Ideally the plugin doesn’t make requests for new notifications if all the push-notifications are set off – once the site is loaded, just no new requests.
    Please go to store-manager->Settings->Notification Manager and you can see the notification ON/OFF settings for different sections.

    Another question – is it possible to import shops from WC Marketplace just in case? I have 3 stores in the works and I would really need to get them started and it seems this is not an issue that can be resolved easily.
    You can use this plugin ( https://wordpress.org/plugins/wc-multivendor-marketplace-migration/ ) to migrate from WC Marketplace to WCFM Marketplace.


    in reply to: Shop settings redirects to /my-account/ #115009


    I’ve checked your website and its working fine. There is also very less data in this test setup and nothing installed that can create the overloads server cpu max out issue. This is an issue from hosting server end, please contact server admin for this.


    in reply to: Not able to translate certain strings #114734


    Please go the wp-admin->Loco Translate->Plugins->WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager and search for “Inquiry” or “Inquiries”, you will get the text.


    Sorry, it’s not possible. Store url base is essential, this is as per WP URL standard.

    in reply to: Vendor WhatsApp Number #114729


    Please share me your website login credentials as private reply here. I need to check it.


    in reply to: Removing emailaddres from Review overview #114727


    Can you please see the attachment below and confirm whether you are willing to remove the email address (marked in red) from this section or not?


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Shop settings redirects to /my-account/ #114726


    can you have a look at this issue? https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/plugin-overloads-server-cpu-max-out/

    This unfortunately makes the plugin unusuable for some users.
    Regarding this issue I’ve replied to the respective forum link. Please contact your server admin about this issue as it seems to be a issue from your server end and do let us know what they say.

    Meanwhile if you can give me your website login details then I can check if its something else thats creating the issue.

    Please send your website login credentials as private reply here.


    in reply to: Plugin overloads server – CPU max. out #114725


    Sorry for the delay.
    This seems to be a issue from your server end. Did you inform it to your server admin about it? It can also happen due to low server bandwidth, maybe you need to upgrade your hosting plan.
    Please contact your server admin first and do let us know what they said.


    in reply to: Custom Field #114717


    The “after product price” visibility setting works for product details page only.
    I’ve added the below code snippet ( named: Display product custom fields ) in your site to display the custom field values after price in quick view mode:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_short_description', 'cus_woocommerce_short_description' );
    function cus_woocommerce_short_description( $description ) {
    	global $WCFM, $product, $post;
    	$product_id = 0;
    	$wcfm_custom_fields_values = '';
    	if ( is_object( $product ) && !is_product() ) { 
    		$product_id = $product->get_id();
    		$wcfm_product_custom_fields = get_option( 'wcfm_product_custom_fields', array() );
    		$wcfm_custom_fields_obj = new WCFMu_Custom_Field_Support();
    		if( $wcfm_product_custom_fields && is_array( $wcfm_product_custom_fields ) && !empty( $wcfm_product_custom_fields ) ) {
    			foreach( $wcfm_product_custom_fields as $wpcf_index => $wcfm_product_custom_field ) {
    				if( !isset( $wcfm_product_custom_field['enable'] ) ) continue;
    				$display_data = $wcfm_custom_fields_obj->get_wcfm_custom_field_display_data( $product_id, $wcfm_product_custom_field );
    				$wcfm_custom_fields_values .= $display_data;
    	return $wcfm_custom_fields_values . $description;

    No need to add the code again as I’ve already added it to your site. Please check your site once.


    in reply to: Shop settings redirects to /my-account/ #114296


    Yes, it’s all updated. I noticed when I delete the cache, it works, but it did happen again… Not sure if it’s a constant problem, for now it’s ok.
    Please deactivate the cache plugin and check whether the issue appears again or not.

    Can you please come back to me regarding the server resources the plugin consumes? That is a really issue for me.
    Didn’t get you, can you please explain it a bit more?


    in reply to: How to fix Store Manager Icon in My Account PAge #114289

    Hi @sohom,

    The login credentials you have provided are not working. Can you please check it for yourself once and then send the correct one.
    Looking forward for your reply.


    in reply to: affiliate url #114279

    Hi @EK,

    There is no such section where the generated affiliate links are listed.
    This will be a custom work, please contact us here for the purpose: https://wclovers.com/setup-guidance/
    We’ll get back to you asap.


    in reply to: Hello I have problem with the store link. #114212


    The products list is opening here but your website is getting a “500 Internal Server Error” frequently, I’ve attached a screenshot of the error below.
    Please talk to your server admin about this and do let me know if any further issues.


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    in reply to: Hello I have problem with the store link. #114207


    Currently I can see that your website permalink is set to “post name” and I can access the store list page in store manager and vendor store page as well. In vendor store page the vendor products are listed also. I’ve attached some screenshots of the pages below.

    Please do let me know if any further issues.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Removing emailaddres from Review overview #114076


    Can you please explain a bit more about your requirement? It’ll be great if you can share a screenshot of the section as well.


Viewing 25 posts - 151 through 175 (of 388 total)