WC Lovers

WooCommerce Frontend Manager - Multivendor marketplace vendor dashboard

We're shifting our Forum based support to a more dedicated support system!

We'll be closing our Forum support from 10th June, 2020 and move to Email Support assistance.

  • If you are a WCFM premium add-ons user, contact us- here
  • Want to know more before buying our add-ons? Send Pre sale queries- here
  • If you are a WCFM free user, please open a support ticket at WordPress.org
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From now the forum will be read-only!

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Membership invoice for free plan? #80002

    Thanks a lot!

    The snippet didn’t actually work at first, but I managed to debug it.
    First I got an ArgumentCountError, I fixed that but it was still sending invoices, so I decided to hardcode the membership_id into the function, and now it works fine:

    add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_membership_subscription_invoice', function( $is_allow ) {
    	if( function_exists('wcfm_get_membership')) {
            $active_membership = wcfm_get_membership();
    		if ( $active_membership = '83254') {
                $is_allow = false;
    	return $is_allow;
    }, 50, 3 );

    Thanks a lot for your help, I’m happy that we could solve this.

    in reply to: Stripe SCA Authentication #79582

    With all due respect, this answer makes me even more worried, since there’s only a few days left, and you need time for bugfixes as well. If you don’t ship in a few days, this will be a mess. So replying “don’t worry” without an ETA is not exactly reassuring. You already told us not to worry in June and nothing happened, that is exactly why we started to worry now. When are you planning to release this?

    in reply to: Stripe Trial peroid #79568

    Any updates on this?
    More than a week had passed.
    Critical issues like this should at the very least receive a “will get back to you as soon as possible” type of vanilla answer, instead of simply refusing to reply once it gets difficult.

    in reply to: Membership invoice for free plan? #79561

    Yes, I have.
    The problem I’m describing would be impossible to occur if I wouldn’t have done that.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Stripe Signup Error during Vendor Wizard #79558

    I had the same problem, luckily I found the solution.

    This is the exact URL you have to use as a redirects setting in Stripe, it’s the only way it will work:

    If you copy-paste the URL from the Stripe error message, it will fail due to that ‘\u0026’ character conversion bug on their side.
    If you copy-paste the URL from your actual website, it will also fail due to the trailing slash issue.
    https://yourdomain.com/?store-setup=yes&step=payment – stripe doesn’t accept this because of the slash after .com .

    The main problem is that any instructions for this are completely missing from the wcfm plugin, so this will be broken for every single install by default, and the solution is pretty non-intuitive.

    Dear wclovers devs, please help your customers and let them know about this!

    in reply to: Membership invoice for free plan? #79200

    That’s not my issue.

    I want to disable the $0 invoices, I don’t want any pdf attachments in the welcome email after free signups.
    The “WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips” plugin, which is required for vendor invoices, has a setting for this, “Disable for free products”. It says “Disable automatic creation/attachment when only free products are ordered” – This is exactly what I need, but the membership plugin ignores this setting, maybe it doesn’t even use the invoice plugin at all?

    I found a filter in the membership plugin code that might help but I can’t figure out how to use it for this purpose.
    In core/class-wcfmvm.php, line 1048, there is the ‘wcfm_membership_subscription_attachment’ filter.
    How do I use this filter to send NO attachment if the membership id matches that of my free plan?

    Also, where can I modify the template of the membershio invoice?

    Thanks a lot

    in reply to: Textarea fields hidden by TinyMCE in settings #76430

    Solved it, it was caused by a plugin conflict.
    Thanks for the reply.

    in reply to: How to disable product limit from php #76414

    No, I meant product limit from capabilities. I want to override the default setting.

    in reply to: Google Sync #76297

    So far only manually for testing, but it should be easy to do in php too.
    Haven’t tested it yet, but for a specific user, it should be something like this:

    $theUser = new WP_User($user_id);
    $theUser->add_role( 'shop_staff' );

    I’ll report back once I’m done implementing it.
    However, this is not all there is to it. Once vendors have staff role, they still need to add themselves as staff to every single appointable product they want to create. This is super frustrating and makes no sense, so I will contact WC Appointments plugin support and ask them to automate this for use cases with only a single staff member, or provide guidance for implementing automation on my own.

    The good news is that two-way-sync works perfectly once these hurdles are dealt with. I’ve been testing it for a while and it seems pretty robust and reliable.

    in reply to: Google Sync #76289

    Thanks! I managed to solve it after adding the staff role to vendors.
    You were right, this is an issue with the WC Appointments plugin.
    Thanks again for your help.

    in reply to: 2 way Google Calendar sync not working #76131

    Do you have any solutions for this?
    Please don’t ignore these threads.

    in reply to: Google Sync #76130

    Any updates on this?
    Please don’t ignore this, it’s a major issue and it could easily be fixed.
    I can see in the logs that syncing actually works fine, but WCFM ignores the created availability rules if it’s a single vendor with no staff.
    If you say we need to buy the groups & staff addon for this to work, that’s fine with me, I’m happy to buy it, but 2-way-sync has to work for single vendors as well.

    in reply to: Limiting product price #68564

    Thanks for the answer!
    Could you be a little bit more specific?
    I’d like to block saving the data if price is zero, and display an error notification on bottom of page, where ‘saved successfully’ normally appears.
    Sorry if it’s a lot to ask, but I would have to read the entire code-base to figure that out.
    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: 2 way Google Calendar sync not working #68099

    Quick update: I also managed to confirm through the WooCommerce logs that calendar syncing does in fact happen both ways, but the user is assumed to be a staff member. The new availability rules that were created according to the logs never show up in the vendor’s product settings, and are also ignored in the booking process. This definitely seems to be a WCFM issue, the WC Appointments plugin seems to work fine.

    in reply to: Google Sync #68050

    I have the same issue. Checked with plugin support, it seems to only come up when using it with WCFM.
    Plugin supports 2 way sync, but it only works as 1 way sync with WCFM.
    Plugin developers claim it would work if vendors had staff user roles as well.
    Which would make a lot of sense anyway, since a staffless vendor is a one-man staff.
    Opening a separate thread.

    in reply to: Issues on vendor profile setup page #59655

    Look, I’m super grateful for these plugins and I understand you are very busy with all the other tasks.
    But I don’t understand why you are pushing back on such obvious issues. I’m trying to help you improve your product.

    why should we ask again old password here?

    This is industry standard design, I didn’t just invent it from thin air. Are you asking why is it the standard?
    Well, for example because otherwise anyone could change other people’s passwords on unattended laptops any time.
    But I repeat, this is a well established industry standard, people expect it, there is no reason to debate standards.

    from wp-admin -> Users -> do you have ever have to insert re-password?

    That is a back-end page, operated by the admin.
    I’m talking about the vendor settings page, operated by the users.
    I don’t even understand that comparison, it’s apples to oranges at best.

    Also, clicking a link in an email for verification is also an industry standard, that’s why I asked the other question about that.
    I think you should notify someone about these who understands the problem in a more holistic way.

    This is not for me, I could solve this on my end faster than typing this.
    I’ve already hidden a lot of broken features with gettext translation filters, css, and javascript.

    But I thought it’s your best interest to fix these for all your other customers as well. So I took the time to report it.
    If you are not interested, that’s fine for me as well. Although a bit surprising.

    in reply to: Chat module #59571

    Well, we are creating our own chat server

    That sounds really exciting! Do you have any further information?
    Like, when is it expected to be available? Will it be included in wcfm-ultimate or will it cost extra?
    And I guess the store manager app wil support it, right?

    Thanks a lot!


    Thank you so much!


    I’m just asking how to add or remove tabs from the store page.
    I completely understand if the rest is in the paid category.
    But isn’t adding a tab similar to adding a menu item, with which you helped a many people here?
    By the way, I’m definitely planning to contact you for paid customization regarding your new app, once I’ve closed our fundraising round.


    Ok, great, can you help me with how to do that?

    This reply has been marked as private.
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