WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace
“There’s a miracle in every new beginning.” – Hermann Hesse
You probably might think what does this have to do here..
We believe in continuous development for the better and keep an eye at the peak. For us, every new endeavor is a challenge that we want to meet with excellence. And now, it’s time for us to venture out to a new horizon.
You have tried WCFM with WCMp, Dokan Multivendor and WC Vendors Pro and you have loved us. But you’ve always wanted something extra. Something more convenient that contains all the current features plus something totally out of the box. Something that covers up all the previous gaps and lacks with newer and improved features. Well, your call has been heard!
Inspired by the zeal to serve you better, we are ready with our very own multivendor plugin - WCFM Marketplace!
It has everything you loved in WCfM plus a lot more!
So gear up for a new experience to know more about the awesomeness called WCfM Marketplace!!
And the best part- it’s all for FREE!!! You heard it right, all these features come free with WCFM Marketplace. You don’t have to download any pro-plugins for these features!
What’s interesting in WCFM Marketplace you think? You’ll get to know that by and by as we gradually develop our brainchild. However, let’s have a look at a few of our features…
Commission Setup
This is no doubt the most important part of any multi-vendor site. Setting up your marketplace commissions had never been this convenient, thanks to WCFM Marketplace! Now you can set up your store commissions rules for your admin or vendors either for all products or for specific products. The store commission would be calculated and disbursed to vendors based on your settings.
WCFM Marketplace offers you a wide variety of commission modes for your convenient. Along with the traditional commission types, WCFM Marketplace also lets you set out the commissions by Vendor Sales and Product Price -something that no one else offers! You may overwrite the default rules for store-specific or product-specific levels or simply keep the rules globally default for all the vendors..

How about a few more options? You can now adjust the commission options for the Shipping Cost, Tax Cost and Coupon Deduction as well! Talk about flexible Commission Setup and WCFM Marketplace is there for you!

Withdrawal and Payment Setup
WCFM Marketplace allows commission disbursal only through withdrawal. The vendor requires to request for the payment and the admin may approve the payment either manually or by auto-approval.
Admin can enable payment methods like Paypal, Stripe, Skrill or enable Bank Transfer. You can also allow or disallow withdrawal for certain orders depending upon the payment methods that the vendor have chosen. You can also set a withdrawal limit or set a threshold time for an order to be available for withdrawal (quite useful for refund orders!)
The admin can also set specific withdrawal rules for certain vendors. You may enable Auto-approve Request, Withdrawal Limit, Withdrawal Threshold or Withdrawal Charges for specific vendors or keep the rules default for the vendor – the choice is yours! The vendor can also pick up his preferred payment option from the Settings. All these and much more at WCfM Marketplace!
Shipping Setup
Another new feature that WCFM Marketplace offers you is the ability to manage the shipping of the products. Admin can allow 2 types of shipping to the vendors – Shipping by Country and Shipping by Zone. In Country wise shipping, vendor can select shipping by specifying the countries or the states where the items can be shipped. If you select Zone wise shipping, not just the region (continent) can be specified but the country, state and even the postal code can also be specified.
Vendor can set Default Shipping Price, Per Product Additional Price or Per Quantity Additional Price when Country wise shipping is selected. You can also manage the processing time of the shipment as well as the country from where the product is shipped!

Now choose multiple shipping methods like Flat-rate Shipping, Free Shipping or Local Pickup for each zone when you select the Shipping by Zone option! The vendor can edit each zone according to the country, state or postcode. The vendor may also edit the Shipping cost for each shipping method and the vendor commission will be calculated taking into account the shipping costs! That makes Shipping management even more powerful!
Already tempted to try all these, aren’t you? Then why wait?
Join in now for a whole new experience! WCFM Marketplace brings to you everything you need plus a lot more!

Review Management
Sometimes, customers look up at the store reviews to decide whether he/she should buy from the specific vendor. Therefore, for any multi-vendor site, vendor store reviews are as important as product reviews. WCFM Marketplace brings the power to manage customer reviews for the site’s vendor stores.
Now it’s in your hands to approve or disapprove /delete a customer review. Vendors can also manage the reviews but you can always control this option. Even when you enable Auto-approve, you can manage the reviews from Reviews manage page. Want more? You can set different review rating categories where the total rating would be calculated based on the average of the ratings! Let your customers choose from the best of the vendors through your screening of the reviews! Read on to know more!
Refund System
What if you buy a product and are not satisfied with the same? You would want to exchange it or request for a refund, right? Well, WCFM Marketplace eases up the return policy for the vendors. Vendor may request a refund based on the support ticket decision.
Now the admin can set a refund request threshold which will specify a particular day till which the order would be available for refund. The vendor can request for either a Full Refund or a Partial Refund and can also add a reason for the Refund Request. A thing to note her is that the payment needs to be refunded manually by the admin. Now control the refund facilities for the vendors either for specifically or globally! WCFM Marketplace offers you many more perks!

Store Policies
Now the vendor can define all the types of policies for the store and products without much hassle! You can now define the Shipping, Refund or the Cancellation/ Return/ Exchange Policies for either selective products or for sitewise products.
These policies can be set from the Product Policies tab under the WCFM Dashboard. Once the vendor sets the policies for individual products/ sitewise and enable the option, the policies will be sent to the customers with the store invoice. You may also disable any or all of these policies by setting the modules off. Admin can also control the policies either for individual vendors, for a group or set it globally default. One-stop management for all the policies! Here’s all that you need to know.
Customer Support
A customer may have several queries before or after purchasing a product. As a vendor, it’s important to answer to all their queries. WCFM Marketplace allows you to set out the customer support information on your site so that your customers can reach out to you anytime.
Vendors can provide with a Support Address, Support Email or a Support Phone number for the customers. Under the Customer Support tab in Settings, vendors can fill in with the necessary contact details. These information will be available to the customers in their order details as well as the store invoice. That’s how WCfM helps you build better association with your customers… well, virtually. Click here to know more.

Other Coolest Components
Well, that’s not all! There’s a lot more to explore. WCfM Marketplace is all that you want. Click here to know more!
Support Response - most important for any product
We are extremely responsive about support requests – so if you face a problem or find any bugs, shoot us a mail and we will respond within 24 hours. If you get the impulse to rate the plugin low because it is not working as it should, please do wait for our response because the root cause of the problem may be something else. All you need to do is to reach us either via our support forum or WordPress.org It is extremely disheartening when trigger happy users down-rate a plugin for no fault of the plugin.
Hope this will helpful for you to take your next step. If you still have any confusion or queries then feel free to reach us anytime.
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Email: zapro_corp@gmail.com