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WooCommerce Frontend Manager - Multivendor marketplace vendor dashboard

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  • Sushobhan

    #2 If we use add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_itemwise_notification', '__return_false' ); then only one shipment tracking info email is going to customer when vendor updates shipment tracking, which is correct. But for admin, a different email (Order Note) is getting fired, that too for each item. This behavior is wrong and will get fixed ASAP.
    Thank You!


    #3 – This is dependant on wcfm_is_allow_itemwise_notification filter. The default value is false here. If you passed true then item wise shipment tracking will be possible. Use it like add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_itemwise_notification', '__return_true' );


    #1 – To get the blue shipped icon when a vendor updates the shipping tracking code, URL, etc, you will need to uncheck Order Sync option from Settings >> Order Settings.

    I’ll test and update the rest of your queries one by one.

    Thank You!


    I have tested and this issue is fixed now. Could you please check that on your side?
    Thank You!


    You can search for products based on the store’s location inside your WooCommerce Shop page. To do so, go to WCFM admin Settings >> Geo Location tab and enable Product List Radius Search checkbox. You can even skip the map display using the following filter-
    add_filter( 'wcfmmp_is_allow_product_list_map', '__return_false' );
    Both stores and products can’t be searched from a single page though.
    Thank You!


    Have you cleared all the cache, including server cache and CDN cache? Also, check your server log for any errors. Let me know what you find out.
    Thank You!


    Hi Marina,
    There is no such restriction in email sending. If you or your vendor gets 100 orders from a single customer (same email), you will receive 100 different emails. You can use https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-logging/ this plugin to check if the email is firing or not. If it is logged then I think you’ll need to talk to your hosting.
    Thank You!

    in reply to: Concerns #132203

    To do this, go to Geo Location tab under Settings (WCFM admin dashboard) and enable Product List Radius Search checkbox. This will enable the address filter on the shop page.
    Thank You!

    in reply to: stripe payement bug #132201
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Analytics is showing wrong country. Please help fix. #132152

    Where you can see that in the “admin dashboard”?

    in reply to: Vendor Product Custom URL Original and Arabic #132145

    Thanks for getting in touch with us!
    Can you please provide me an example of what you are trying to achieve? If you want to change the product slug from frontend product manager, we do not let changing this from the frontend. As an admin, you can edit the product slug from wp-admin.
    Looking forward to helping you.
    Thank You!


    You are facing challenges with the WooCommerce Booking setup and not WCFM. Settings bookings as per need are tricky. Please follow the plugin guide to know all about these settings- https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/creating-a-bookable-product/
    I used a shared resource among two products and it is not allowing the booking at the same time (resource quantity is set to 1). First I configure my resource like this- https://imgur.com/dtHrHna
    Next, I add two products and assign this same resource to both of them. Product settings screenshots-
    Booking Options – https://ibb.co/hRBktNf
    Availability tab – https://ibb.co/ncmr0Dz
    Resource tab – https://ibb.co/qBnBRCh
    Customer can’t book a slot that is previously booked (another product) – https://imgur.com/eOjb7o2
    Thank You!

    in reply to: Become a vendor Button add to menu #132116

    Sorry, It isn’t letting me edit anything using the File Manager plugin. There seems to be some issue connecting backend (while saving a file). See the screenshot- https://imgur.com/ZY11GhT
    If possible go to wp-config.php and change wp-debug to true. Then resolve all the errors you got. Also, check error logs in your server. It looks like you some PHP function error on the site which is causing all this.
    Before doing all this, please update all other plugins, clear all your server and local cache and try again.
    Let me know how it goes.
    Thank You!

    in reply to: Specific payment method for each membership plan #132094
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Check out the following snippet and build your logic on top of it-

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'woocommerce_checkout_field_editor' );
    // Our hooked in function - $fields is passed via the filter!
    function woocommerce_checkout_field_editor( $fields ) {
        $fields['billing']['customer_zone_dropdown'] = array(
            'type'     => 'select',
            'required' => true,
            'label'    => __( 'Customer zone' ),
            'class'    => array( 'form-row-wide', 'address-field' ),
            'options'  => array(
                ''      => 'Choose zone',
                'zone1' => 'This zone add $10',
                'zone2' => 'This zone add $20',
                'zone3' => 'This zone add $30',
        return $fields;
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_method_add_rate_args', 'AA_shipping_extra_per_product', 100, 2 );
    function AA_shipping_extra_per_product( $args, $shipping_method ) {
        /* Interacting with dropdown menue code
        if ( ! is_checkout() || empty($_POST['post_data']) )
            return $args;
        $arr_co_fields = wp_parse_args( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['post_data'] ) ) );
        $user_selected_field = isset( $arr_co_fields['customer_zone_dropdown'] ) ? $arr_co_fields['customer_zone_dropdown'] : '';
        $extra_cost = 0;
        if ( ! (empty( $args['package'] )) && isset( $args['package']['vendor_id'] ) ) {
            if ( $user_selected_field === 'zone1' ) {
                $extra_cost = 10;
            } elseif ( $user_selected_field === 'zone2' ) {
                $extra_cost = 20;
            } elseif ( $user_selected_field === 'zone3' ) {
                $extra_cost = 30;
        $args['cost'] += $extra_cost;
        return $args;

    Please note, it will work only for Zone shipping. Thank You!


    Try this- [wcfm_stores has_sidebar="no" has_map="no" includes="38,18,14,17,6,36,218,77,262,16" has_orderby="no" has_filter="no" per_page="10"] just make sure all the store ids that you have provided in includes attribute are correct store ids. I removed two 0’s from includes attribute as 0 can’t be a valid store id.
    For more information about wcfm_stores shortcode read here- https://docs.wclovers.com/store-list/
    Thank You!

    in reply to: Delivery time #131697

    Your message and image aren’t related. So couldn’t get your 1st point clearly.

    do I have to choose a delivery boy before for each vendors

    No, it’s not required. Please send me a snapshot of your vendor’s Delivery Time setting page.
    Also, you can check my test settings- https://imgur.com/SxPd3Fi. Here I’ve set Saturday and Sunday as off days. Customers can pick a time after 24 hours and within 2 days from placing the order.
    Now here, in checkout page, you can see Delivery time list has shown to a customer- https://imgur.com/GxKHrpj
    Today is 16th (Saturday), as Saturday and Sunday are off days so the first time slot customer can choose is from Monday (18th).
    Hope this explanation helps.
    Thank You!

    in reply to: Getting tired of issues #131685

    In that case, you can use this modified snippet-

    add_filter( 'wcfmmp_local_pickup_shipping_option_label', function($label, $user_id) {
        if ( wcfm_is_vendor( $user_id ) ) {
            $store_user = wcfmmp_get_store( $user_id );
            $address = $store_user->get_address_string();
            if($address) return trim( explode( "(", $label )[0] ) . ' (' . $address . ')';
            return trim( explode( "(", $label )[0] );
        return $label;
    }, 10, 2 );

    Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
    In case you do not have a child theme then add code using this plugin – https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/
    Let me know how this goes.


    Please clear all your local and server cache and try again. If you are using any CDN, clear that cache as well.
    Let me know if that helps!
    Thank You.

    in reply to: Specific payment method for each membership plan #131517

    It’s fixed now. Please check. While checking don’t forget to clear your local browser cache too.
    Thank You!

    in reply to: Problem with Vendor Store Manager adding Auctions #131511

    Hi @Auhouse.ru,
    Could you please send me a screen recording of the issue. That will be very much helpful.
    Thank You!

    in reply to: Product Custom Validation not working with snippet #131506
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    in reply to: Product Custom Validation not working with snippet #131503

    Please use the following snippet-

    function wcfm_pm_custom_script( $end_point ) {
    	switch( $end_point ) {
    		case 'wcfm-products-manage':
    			jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    				$('#product_cats_checklist').children('.product_cats_checklist_item').each(function() {
    					if( $(this).children('.product_taxonomy_sub_checklist').length > 0 ) {
    add_action( 'after_wcfm_load_views', 'wcfm_pm_custom_script' );

    Add this code to your child themes functions.php
    Thank You!

    in reply to: Vendors are not receiving new order email notification #131496

    Sorry, I do not get your query “can you confirm this registration process”. If you are enquiring about multiple vendor registration using the same email, then no it’s not possible. If your query was different, kindly explain it one more time.
    Thank You!

Viewing 25 posts - 151 through 175 (of 1,046 total)