WCfM Product Manager
Here you are going to experience the most powerful front-end product manager ever.

You will have all flexible options to add/modify your store products.
- Regular & Sale Price
- Sales price scheduling
- Featured & Gallery image
- Category & Tags
- Any custom product taxonomy will be auto-supported
- Shipping
- Inventory
- Tax
- Attributes
- Cross/Up sell products
- Advanced options

You can add/edit almost all type of WC products using this. Supported product types are:
- Simple
- Variable
- Downloadable
- Booking
- Appointment
- Accommodation
- Simple/Variable Subscription
- Job Package
- Resume Package
- Virtual
- External/Affiliate
- Grouped
- Rental
- Auction
Some of these are available only for WCfM Ultimate users.

You will always have flexibility to control which Product type allowed for which user types. For more details check here.

Beside different product types you will also have a long list of third-party plugin support:
- Barcode
- MSRP Pricing
- Product tabs lite
- Per Product Shipping

You also have power to create product custom fields from WCfM settings panel. These fields will available at WCfM product manager to capture data. Supported field types are:
- Text
- Numeric
- Textarea
- Checkbox
- Date picker
- Time picker
- Select box
WCfM no way responsible for showing this data in WC product catalog or single product page. You have to this your own by overriding WC templates. If you are already using any other plugin to do so then it will be there responsibility.

You can create any type of custom fields and field groups of your own as well.
WCfM is also fully compatible with ToolSet Field Types, check the detailed documentation.

You can even create your own Google Map and make them associate with your products in the most easiest way.
WCFM is fully compatible with MapPress Easy Google Map, check the detailed documentation.

WCfM is also have in-build Product Importer-Exporter. Vendors will be able import/export only their products.