WCFM - Bulk Stock Manager
Managing product stocks is one of the most painful job for a ecommerce site.
Just think for a moment, you have to update stock for 50 products (5 variations each) and you don’t have bulk stock updater. I am afraid to write the line even, you have to edit all those products one by one then change stock and update all.
It’s time to be relax, WCFM is now allowing you to do all this just by single click and even from Front-end Product Manager.

You will have “stock manager” button at products dashboard.
You also have capability controller for this, so you can decide whether you are going to allow this to your vendors or not!!

Now, here it is.
A single screen for managing your all products (including variations) stock at one click. you can manage from here –
- Stock status
- Stock quamtity
- Backorders
- Manage stock enable / disable
If we missed anything of your stock management please feel free to know us.

You are done, just click “Submit” and go for a Coffee 😀