WCfM Capability Settings
To manage your store users capability, go to Settings in WCFM Dashboard left menu. there is button at the top left-right corner:

You can manage different user’s capability separately:
- Vendor’s Capability – this section will only available if you have installed a Multi-vendor plugin
- Shop manager’s Capability – you will have this option if WCfM – Groups & Staffs installed
- Shop staff’s Capability – you will have this controller if WCfM – Groups & Staffs installed

This section is very important and totally dynamic. It depending upon other plugin’s installed. You may decide whether your vendor’s will have access to those or not:
- WC Bookings
- WC Appointment
- WC Subscription
- WP Job Manager – Listings

You can manage your store user’s product level access:
- Submit Products – allow them to create products as pending
- Publish Product – allow them to publish their products
- Edit live product – edit already published products
- Delete products – may delete their products

You will have full control over which user will have access to what type of products:
- Simple
- Variable
- External
- Grouped
These are basic product types, as you have installed other plugins this list will automatically add those. e.g if you have installed WC Bookings then you will have Bookable Product in this list.

You will have full control over product options. You have full flexibility to control which product options add/modify by which user groups –
- Inventory
- Shipping
- Tax
- Linked
- Attributes
- Advanced

Beside these you may have more advance controls as well:
- Feature Image
- Gallery Image
- Rich Editor
- Category/Tags
- Featured & Duplicate Product
- Import/Export
- Product Add-ons
- Gallery & Category limit
This settings only available to WCfM Ultimate users.

You can set various limits for on your vendors –
- Product creation limit – max no of product a vendor can create
- Gallery image
- Categories
- Allowed categories
- Allowed custom taxonomies
If you are also usingWCFM – Groups & Staffs then may define this at Group level as well.

You can even control allowed categories for your Vendors.
You may also set Vendor Group wise different categories.
Vendor Groups only available for WCFM – Groups & Staffs uers.

Orders are the most important segment for a online store as Money and Customer information are associated with those. It’s very much necessary for you to control what and how much of an Order you will allow to access/see to your store users. You have a full grief over those –
- View Orders – if you disable this then that user will have no access to Orders anymore
- View Order Details – to restrict order details as payment mode etc..
- Billing address – very sensitive customer data
- Shipping adderess
- Customer Email – customer contact info
- View/Submit comments – restrict over see/add/modify order notes
- PDF Invoice

Allow/restrict your users to access different set of store reports.

Control over different dashboard sections.
- Knowledge-base
- Notice
- Direct Message
- Profile

Allow/restrict different profile sections as well:
- Address
- Social

You can manage your store user’s coupon level access:
- Submit Coupons – allow them to create coupons as pending
- Publish Coupon – allow them to publish their coupons
- Edit live coupon – edit already published coupons
- Delete coupons – may delete their coupons

This is a very important controller for you. You may totally block your users to access WP Backend !!!