WCFM - GEO my WP Integration

In recent days Map – Google Map is very much essential to inform about your store/product location to your customers.

GEO my WP” is one of the most easiest and user friendly plugin to do so. You can associate location info and address with your product , isn’t it really cool!!

A much required feature for Booking/Booking Accommodation product types.

WCFM is now allowing you to do this even from Front-end Product Manager.

Install-activate GEO my WP from wordpress.org and do the basic setting –

  • Set your Google Map API Key
  • Enable “Post Types Locator” add-on (it’s free)
  • Allow location for “Product” post type

You are done with the setting.

WCFM Product Manager will show you a tab called – “Location”.

Now you can associate your locations with your product very easily.