WCFM Marketplace also allowing your vendor to sell other vendor’s products.
In general, we call this “single product multiple vendor”.

Your vendors will have a menu for this “Add to My Store”
Vendors will see all products from other vendors and admin here.
Then may add any product to their store from here.
They may even products in “Bulk” to their store.

Vendors will have a button “Add to My Store” when they will browse other vendors’ product page.
Now, they just have to click on this and that product copied to the vendor’s product list.
Vendor may edit anything of this product copied product, nothing will change in original product.

If you do not want to have this module then you just have to disable “Product Multivendor” module from WCFM Admin Setting -> Modules
If you do not want to have “Add to My Store Catalog” under your vendor’s dashboard, then there is a separate module option for this.

For a product if it has more than one seller then a “More Offer” tab will be added at it’s tabbed area.
It will show other offers for this product from different stores.
There is a short code for this as well – [wcfm_more_offers]
You may add this any where at single product page to show different offers for the product from different stores.
Feel free to share any suggestion you have in mind!
Just to mention, this feature is only available with WCFM – Marketplace.