Registration is most essential for multi-vendor marketplace sites.
WCFM Marketplace will give you full flexibility here also, you may setup simple registration or vendor membership subscription as well.
Just to mention, WCFM – Membership is required for the purpose.

You may setup general vendor registration form under WCFM Admin Dashboard -> Setting -> Vendor Registration
You may toggle whether vendor application required admin approval or not!
Some store general fields can be activated for registration form.
You may also create custom field for registration form as well.
If you want to setup membership then please ready original article.

“Become a vendor” link added under WC default “My Account” registration form.
Just to mention, registration and membership pages are normal WP pages so you may add those links at anywhere n your site.

If you do not setup any membership then general registration form will be browsed.

If you have membership plans then it will browse membership plan page.

If vendor applications admin approval required then admin will have notifications under WCFM Admin Dashboard -> Notification Dashboard
Admin may approve or reject applications.
You may get more details of this here.
Feel free to share any suggestion you have in mind!
Just to mention, this feature is only available with WCFM – Marketplace.