WCFM - WooCommerce Multivendor Membership
A simple membership plugin for offering FREE AND PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION for your multi-vendor marketplace.
You may set up unlimited membership levels (example: free, silver, gold etc) with different pricing plan, capabilities and commission.

You may create unlimited membership plans with all the flexibility.

First setting up Membership payment options. Supported payment options –
- PayPal
- Stripe
- Bank Transfer

Membership feature list is very important as membership levels will be created on the basis of this. You may create any no of features.

You will have the full flexibility of styling your membership page to match with your site template.

You will have the full control over membership display order as well.

You may define default membership level, on recurring subscription cancel vendors will be auto-assign to this default level.

You may define thank you message for both membership types –
- Paid

Welcome email can be fully customized from here.

Admin will receive email notification on new subscription and pending approval request. You may manage admin email content from here as well.
Create new membership level

You may create unlimited membership levels with all the different flexibility.
Allow to disable a plan anytime.
You just have to set value for previously defined features.

Fully flexible payment option.
- One time payment
- Recurring

You may also define recurring subscription with full flexibility as well –
- Trial Period
- Trial Amount
- Billing Cycle
- Billing Duration
- Reattempt check

You may define totally different commission setting for each membership level – this is going to be a super feature for you.

You can assign different capability module for each membership level.
You may create totally different capability group with all flexibilities (example: product limit, categories, product types etc) for each membership level.
But this is not directly part of this add-on, Capability modules are come from WCFM – Groups & Staffs.
Bank Transfer Subscription Flow

User may choose either payment options at the time of subscription.

Admin will have a notification for Vendor Pending Aproval.

Admin may instant approve/reject vendor application. On approval subscriber will convert into store vendor and a welcome email will be triggered.
Subscribe to Membership

You will have a fully flexible membership plan table for your vendors.
You may change it’s styling from Membership Settings -> Style

Membership registration form.

Membership review and payment form.

Membership thank you page on successful subscription with direct link to Front-end dashboard.
Membership Details: Cancel & Upgrade

Vendors will have their membership details under their front-end dashboard -> profile.
Vendor may cancel their recurring subscription from here as well.

Vendors may change or upgrade their membership plan anytime from here.